My Prayer (preSafeMotos) (poetry)

thank you my god for this life you have given me
may I see beauty, share beauty, live beauty and revel in beauty
may I be ever better than myself, mind body and soul
my god
with your hand on mine
on the tiller of my life
may we direct me towards the most perfect version of myself
to where I can become the most positive and powerful version of myself
may I have the strength, passion, dedication, grit and discipline in my heart,
may I have the brilliance, genius clarity in my mind,
and may I have magic in my hands
so that for those people that I love
for the entire world
for myself
I can re-enchant reality
and make the world a deeper and more meaningful place
I want to take those seeds and saplings of humanity
and nurture them
so that they can grow, bloom and blossom
fighting towards the canopy of enlightenment and nirvana
I want to make the world a more level playing field
and raise where the playing field is
I want to be better than myself
better than my weakness
better than my strength
better than my humanity
may I be like a river
may I cut, displace and flood the land
but may I do it for a higher purpose
to follow the natural contours of the land
and bring a new form of sustenance to the world

please watch over all of those people that I love
may my mother have peace in her heart
may she be surrounded by grace, magic and love
and may the world be good to her
may my father have peace in his heart
may he be ever better than himself mind, body and soul
and may the world be good to him
may you watch over my brothers Reston and Tory
may they be becoming who they are meant to be in the world
and may the world be good to them

today, may I be better than myself
and not squander the moment

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