Through The Chimney (Poetry)

Souls swirling up to the chimney

Carried up on the smoke of time / Never to return

Where before there was music now there is silence

Will there ever be music again?

The dance goes on

The birth dance goes to the death dance

Moments of fear and doubt and self hatred

Losing the rhythm

Seeing the fabrication of light

Others have magic

In my hands a void

All my energy / And nothing

In my hands / Nothing

Moments of fear and doubt and self hatred

And then nothing out of something

The freezing of potential

Squandered potential

In the desert

Moments of fear and self doubt and hatred

Why was life not easier than this?

Existence a chore

Brain never stops chattering

Time flitting by

An old oak in a field of ready to bloom flowers

Do I guide them? Do I warn them?

Or do I seek to hide / Lest I hurt them

All my intellectual fury ultimately meaningless

A patch of darkness in the sky

Could I have lived my life wrong? / Yes

Could I have lived my life wrong? / Yes

Infinite pushing down on my shoulders

I plant the seed and I disappear

Could I have planted a better seed? / Yes

Could I have chosen a better place? / Yes

Could I have nurtured the seed better / Yes

I am in the fading period

The act of life a fading period

I will disappear

I can choose to believe the seed has purpose

And it will not make it have purpose

I can choose to believe the seed has purpose

It will not give it purpose

It is not in my destiny to know what will grow from what I have planted

All I can do is plant as best I can

As I am weak

As I am flawed

As I am scared

All I can do is plant as best I can