Attempts At Euphony (poetry)

Found again lost again found again
All in just a blink
Waking up some days in bliss
Waking up some days self loathing
Life is a trip
Everything beautiful and fun
To smell the sweet fresh air
Or look at glistening stars
From the dock on the lake
With a beer in my hand
Not those things dreamed for
Where is the nobility in quiet moments
But perhaps they are the things that should be dreamed for
What happened to childhood dreams
Then, maybe, it is good I did not become a rapper
What happened to childhood whimsy
Then, did I not teach a child to fly
Or lie to that girl about being a Baron
These musings do nothing
An unconfused mind with a dedication of purpose
Looking for something to push against
Life is imperfect
I suffer
And am sad
But no more than the other
Things are the way things are
I choose to be blissful
I choose to be peaceful
I choose to be dedicated
I choose to see beauty
If there is any other truth
Then I accept it
Then I ignore it
And I carry on as myself

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