Asha (Poetry)

is this my ancient mind?
shadows of spirits
weren’t we once rays of light?
particle waves awakened
a force of energy unawakened
searching for purpose
retrograde miniature circles
around a blazing sun
every step a step backwards
every step a step forward
a cosmic purpose
let the dirt know that they will create flowers
let the flowers know that as they grow towards the sun
they create the matter that builds stars
let the stars know they have
that same infinite potential
to become black holes
that permeates human beings
we are in a quantum universe
where everything is possible
and we have in our hands
the entirety of the universe
to direct in any which way
that we choose


patterns of electromagentism
invisible to the naked eye
always the same pattern
north pole to south pole
a radiating force

patterns of light
the only thing our eyes see
a particle and a wave
photons firing

the weak force
the strongest force in the universe
but only active
in a one in a trillion chances
or at best once in a billion
the aggregation of diffused fuel
hiding its power

gravity as an outlier
all we can see
is that obviously it is all related
the aether the world works in
mass to gravity equalling the big bang
and its opposite
going through every dimension
the glue of the universe
traveling at the speed of light
bringing mass together
to form black holes
the ever expanding universe
an attempt to escape gravity
but what is gravity?
who is gravity?

the holy spirit
a thread through the universe
can’t you see it?
what tells a flower to point towards the sun
what tells gravity to bring mass together
magnets to attract and repel
light to be the product of heat
heat to be the product of nuclear forces
nuclear forces to be where matter meets anti matter
the weak force stopping mutual annihalation
a universe still in darkness
all existence a point of light
in a sea of non existence
that once existed
we are an arrow from orions bow
knowing nothing more
than that we awakened
to all the forces we are a part of
not understanding
what our own force plays
our sense of determinism
free will
the most true quantum agent
yet discovered in the universe