What Is The Real Our Father? (Poetry)

our father
who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name
on earth as it is in heaven
please give us this day
our daily bread
and may we have the chance to atone for our trespasses and transgressions
and may we forgive those who trespassed against us and give an opportunity of atonement for their transgressions
and please deliver us from evil
and keep us from temptation
(amen and cross self)

our father who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name
on earth as it is in heaven
please give us this day
our daily bread
and may we have the chance to atone for our trespasses and our transgressions
and may we forgive those who trespasses against us and give an opportunity of atonement for their transgressions
and please deliver us from evil
and keep us from temptation
(amen and cross self)

our father
who art in heaven
hallowed be thy name
on earth as it is in heaven
please give us this day
our daily bread
and may we have the chance to atone for our trespasses and transgressions
and may we forgive those who trespasses against us, and give an opportunity for others to atone for their transgressions
and please deliver us from evil
and keep us from temptation
for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever
amen (and cross self)

Dream from 2:45am 7 Apr 2022 in Beirut, in a safe place (Other)

Dream from a few moments ago
Chasing some demon
Running but I cannot go fast enough
I am in a tribe with my cartoon brothers, they are annoying. Like South Park boys.
I am chasing the demon
I know he may be me myself
But I still chase
I am going fast and I am not catching
It tears my brain apart
We have done a great circle
The dimensions recede, it is more primitive than Lego Island
We are approaching the tropical cocktail bar we left
There is a great mirror ahead we are running towards it
The mirror will reveal everything

I fire my single pixel Atari gun, I don’t think I hit anything but I do not know for sure

It is me I was chasing
The one I was chasing and I have had a reverse schismogenesis where we morph together
I am not surprised and I am not horrified
I am taken away
The purpose of the story may be the fabric of the tablecloths
A katenke cloth pattern of
Friendly cartoon African hands, densely holding each other
In an endless weave
The dream is not a nightmare
But it is also not not a nightmare
The first part I write down is the part of the cloth:

Network of black the rip style cartoon hands, linked together in like an African fabric, connected by holding hands together. Very dense.