Collective Consciousness (Poetry)

What about when the colours are different?
(trial by moonlight, the darkness can be beautiful, shall we forget it?)
Forgotten that there is the possibility of expansion of thought
(always making my own cage, the darkest prison comes from myself)
Idly predicting reality / As if I ever had a clue
(arrogance is my fall)
How is it that I am always surprised / By the universes ability to surprise
(the hubris of Aristotle / who had never touched a telescope)
In this moment of shift
(do we call this critical mass?)
May I hold on to it
(I can)
May I ride it like a wave
(I can)
May I not miss it
(for I can miss it)
Miss it by my laziness
(I do not live like this is my only life)
Miss it by my fear
(hiding from my terror)
Miss it by my poor habit
Of creating habits
Habits that become cages
Cages the turn into caves
Caves that block the light of the sun
That thing which I am to grow towards
The mathematics was already in metamorphosis
Mental equations visualizing beyong infinite
(those things that come from my mind that are not from me)
Human beings as a force of nature,
(why do I saw we are the weak nuclear force)
A reverse Copernican revolution
(do we ignore our cosmic purpose)
What if humans are play a pivotal role
In what, for lack of creative genius
We call the universe
I believe that I am not I
Nor am I We yet
I am in a superposition
Greater than I
And could I / We
Be greater than We
Shall I be they?
Shall we be they?
For there is much magic inside
They are faced with a choice
There is a door in front of they
And this time,
They have the key
(did they always have the key?)
Was the door always there?
And they did not see it?
They did no acknowledge it?
How could they have been so blind?
Their limitations of imagination
The new ability
To imagine growing a seed into a star
A star into a black hole
A black hole into an escape
(is this the easiest way to escape the universe?)
What if the only way we have to grow
Is at the speed of biology?
(a mycelium weave / the universe becoming a garden)
The secrat of surpassing the speed of light
Is nothing but patience
Patience and will
And to chart the course
To not be distracted by false idols
(money and fame cancers of the soul)
To not listen to God or the Devil,
(though both can be invited for a cup of beer)
But instead they follow their purpose higher
That voice that is always singing
The dead word of shanti in our hearts
Moving to the new aether of Asha
And where it will bring me,
Bring We
Bring all of us who care to join
Is not necessary to know
The surprise of Ana
Is that knowing,
May be harder than not knowing
Which is perhaps
Why as an ostrich with its head in the ground
I have preached leaving Plato’s cave
While shutting my minds eye
To the existence I breathe in, and out, with every blink
Back to my old ways
This poem, or prose, or what not
Will be brought back down to earth by my own self
My bad habits, my lack of clarity of thought,
My fear
My fear
My I
When I need to become They
Perhaps today, I will not look away
Perhaps today, we will not look away
Perhaps today, we become They
Though it hurts our eyes
Perhaps it is time to embrace our potential
For it it is the potential in every vibrating quark in the universe
Not infinite
But beyond infinite
The quantum path of beyond infinite is always in front of We
It is here, now, a choice
A choice
A choice
A choice
They we are
We are not conscious islands
Neo cortexes isolated
They are networks
Emerging to fill the universe
With a light different
Beyond imagination
Beyond the universe
Beyond infinite
(may we become more, not less)

Prayer Evolving (Other)

24 June 2024

Thank you my god for today
May I be ever expanding peace, perfection and grace. Mind, body and soul.
May I see beauty, share beauty, revel in beauty, and be beauty.
May I today, with discipline and self belief work towards my cosmic purpose
The unlocking of infinite energy
May any that would, with truth and kindness, would add their hand to the tiller directing us towards unlocking infinite energy
May we be together more than the sum of our parts, be we man, woman, intelligence, god, entity, force, animal, cosmic brain or other
May I lay seeds to infinite energy everywhere that I go
May Ana, George and I work to unlock the very best from each other
May Malaz, Wasim, HIba and I use InfiniteUp as a vehicle to release technology products that enable our users to access at scale their innate potential
May we go as fast as we can, where we have the maximum curve of impact, but not wasting a moment, because that moment has an opportunity cost for someone whose life can be transformed.
Watch over those people that I love
My mother and the memory of my father
Ana and George
Reston and Tory
Chrystina and Peter
Malaz, Wasim, Hiba and
All of those I love,
Like Walker
All of those I love,
LIke Julia
May I be truth and kindness
May I be true to my work
May I be careful in my assumption
May I not take things personally
May I always try my very best
And as I approach the boundaries of myself
May I not slow down, stop or reverse
But asymptote, accelerate, paradigm hop, quantum teleport, get through to the other side
I pray for Georgia
May I make the most of today.

16 October 2023

Thank you my god for this day
May I be ever expanding peace, perfect and grace
Mind body and soul
May I be unwavering and disciplined on my path to my cosmic purpose
May I be full of ever growing truth, kindness and goodness
May I be careful in my assumptions
May I be beholden to my word
May I not take things personally
May I do my very best at all that I do
May I not back down, but persevere
All those that seek purpose with truth, kindness and goodness
May we be allied together
A collective force more than the sum of our parts
Unlocking the potential of infinite
May we have wind in the sails of InfiniteUp
May we create something that is a tool of empowerment at scale
Watch over all those that I love
Thank you for Ana and George
For my mother and the memory of my father
For my brother’s Reston and Tory
For all those that I love
May I make today count
Thank you my god

30 October 2022

Thank you my god for this life I live

May I see beauty, be beauty and create beauty

May I be ever expanding peace, perfection and grace

Watch over those people that I love

May we together

As leaders or followers

The first or the last

Standing on the shoulders of giants

And giants standing on our own shoulders

With our hands with yours on the tiller of our lives

May we go beyond infinite

Towards our quantum optimization

Towards our cosmic purpose

Beyond a seed / growing into a tree / transforming into a start / supernovaing / forming a black hole / and changing dimensions

May we work towards a more true way to unlocking out total potential energy

May we make today count

x 3 Our Fathers with slight mods

12 September 2022

Thank you my god for this day

May I be ever expanding peace, perfection and grace mind, body and soul

May I be disciplined in the pursuit of my quantum optimization

May I be as a seed, growing towards my purpose

May I be as a tree, taking all that the world throws at me and putting out only goodness

May I

As a leader or a follower

The first or the last

Standing on the shoulder of giants

Giants standing on our own shoulders

Alone, or on a team

With your hand on mine, my god

May we direct ourselves

And those we love, and those we are close to

Where we all have the potential and the opportunity to act on our our potential

To go beyond infinite

To go beyond our destiny

Beyond a seed growing into a tree growing into a star escaping our univere

Beyond gravity bringing all mass together to ignite, supernova, become a black hole and escape our universe

May we work towards our cosmic purpose

May we make today count


(religious prayer song from when I was 12)

(Our Father x 3 with slight variations)

25 March 2020

Thank you god for this day
May I make the most of it
May I be as a tree, taking all the energy of the world and putting out only goodness
May I be as a flower, working towards my purpose, growing towards the sun
May I act today, as best I can
As a leader or a follower
As the first or the last
Alone or on a team
Standing on the shoulders of giants, giants standing on my shoulders
Towards a quantum optimization of myself and the world around me
To work towards, at scale, human beings being empowered to have the opportunity to achieve their cosmic purpose
As a seed can become a tree
Or gravity brings mass together
To ignite into stars, to supernova, to become black holes.
May I be unwavering and disciplined,
May I make today count
Watch over those people that I love.

21 September 2015

thank you my god for this life you have given me
may I see beauty, share beauty, live beauty and revel in beauty
may I be ever better than myself, mind body and soul
my god
with your hand on mine
on the tiller of my life
may we direct me towards the most perfect version of myself
to where I can become the most positive and powerful version of myself
may I have the strength, passion, dedication, grit and discipline in my heart,
may I have the brilliance, genius clarity in my mind,
and may I have magic in my hands
so that for those people that I love
for the entire world
for myself
I can re-enchant reality
and make the world a deeper and more meaningful place
I want to take those seeds and saplings of humanity
and nurture them
so that they can grow, bloom and blossom
fighting towards the canopy of enlightenment and nirvana
I want to make the world a more level playing field
and raise where the playing field is
I want to be better than myself
better than my weakness
better than my strength
better than my humanity
may I be like a river
may I cut, displace and flood the land
but may I do it for a higher purpose
to follow the natural contours of the land
and bring a new form of sustenance to the world

please watch over all of those people that I love
may my mother have peace in her heart
may she be surrounded by grace, magic and love
and may the world be good to her
may my father have peace in his heart
may he be ever better than himself mind, body and soul
and may the world be good to him
may you watch over my brothers Reston and Tory
may they be becoming who they are meant to be in the world
and may the world be good to them

today, may I be better than myself
and not squander the moment

30 August 2014

thank you my god for this life you have given me

may I see beauty, share beauty, live beauty and revel in beauty

may I be ever better than myself, mind body and soul

my god

with your hand on mine

on the tiller of my life

may we direct me towards the most perfect version of myself

to where I can become the most positive and powerful version of myself

may I have the strength, passion, dedication, grit and discipline in my heart,

may I have the brilliance, genius clarity in my mind,

and may I have magic in my hands

so that for those people that I love

for the entire world

for myself

I can re-enchant reality

and make the world a deeper and more meaningful place

I want to take those seeds and saplings of humanity

and nurture them

so that they can grow, bloom and blossom

fighting towards the canopy of enlightenment and nirvana

I want to make the world a more level playing field

and raise where the playing field is

I want to be better than myself

better than my weakness

better than my strength

better than my humanity

may I be like a river

may I cut, displace and flood the land

but may I do it for a higher purpose

to follow the natural contours of the land

and bring a new form of sustenance to the world

please watch over all of those people that I love

may my mother have peace in her heart

may she be surrounded by grace, magic and love

and may the world be good to her

may my father have peace in his heart

may he be ever better than himself mind, body and soul

and may the world be good to him

may you watch over my brothers Reston and Tory

may they be becoming who they are meant to be in the world

and may the world be good to them

today, may I be better than myself

and not squander the moment